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The Bouvier des Flandres is primarily a herding Breed and is deemed as such for the American Kennel Club who lists them in the "herding group". Originally in Working dogs they do work but for the most part watch their herd and if not cattle, sheep, chickens, pigs (yes pigs) or any other farm animal, They will guard and watch YOU, your kids and the neighbors kids as they play. The Bouvier was switched from the Working Group to the Herding Group some time ago and now is AKC working. The many Activities that the Bouver can participate in are not inclusive of the above links, there are many more. Your dogs limitations are only governed by the dog's willingness to learn and your ability to train. We have participated in many of these areas but for the most part our dogs hold titles in Assistance, Carting, Herding, Agility, Conformation, Fast Cat. We have participated with our dogs in the other areas but have not titled yet. Bouvier are a very versatile breed. They are a composite of Foundation dogs that make it a dog that easily deals with many tasks seamlessly. Some site hounds, Herding Breeds and other breeds as well. While many try to tell you exactly what breeds the Bouvier is comprised of they dont really know for certain. The dog resided in Barn yards with other breeds and it is no stretch to imagine a Bouvier pregnant by another breed and that breed adding to the mix in the late 1800s and early 1900s. We want to warn you against falling prey to the history accounts of Bouvier who allegedly "carried messages" during wars or pulled armory or sat along side of their soldiers. While it is possible it is not probable. A Bouvier would not stay quiet for long if a soldier was trying to stay secret in their hiding place, and surely be difficult to manage in this regard. To add the carry a message command, NOT sure what this looks like? Where each new scenario for a soldier would present a new set of commands and the Bouvier is NOT a carrier pigeon that can know where to go instinctively this is just unreasonable for anyone to assert as truth. Through artillary fire, Never? If you want to test this theory, why not train your dog to do this? We challenge you! Prove you can send a Bouvier on a trek through a city park to send a note to someone a mile away through playing children and picnicing couples and see how your dog gets distracted by the many situations they encounter. Now think of a war field with explosions and minefields, shooting and men everywhere, it is highly unlikely that this is the true story for a Bouvier. Prove your can dog do this in a busy mall and from afar, from the person who is accepting the note from where you sit to deliver the note. Its just a very nice thought it is possible but we are very sceptical. Its more likely that war and all the obsticles that present themselves to a breeder make breeding and distributing puppies a very difficult task. Therefore it was during these times populations went down. As for the myth that Hitler was bit by a Bouvier, Hitler loved German Shepherds and had one he really loved. It is higly unlikely that the Bouvier was even able to get close to Hitler, let alone bite him with favorite dog at his feet to protect him, Blonda one and two and later a dog that he purchased to keep Blonda company. Not just Wikipedia writes of this relationship that Hitler had with German Shepherds, the account is in many entries worldwide as accurate history of Adolph Hitler. . I also took a Class on Hitler while at the university from a man who was targeted by the Germans as he helped people escape bondage from Hitler and behind the Iron curtain. He spoke of HItler and his German Shepherds a great deal. Apparently the GSD were his dog of choice and he had some spectacular dogs!
The take away from this is that Bouvier are capable of many tasks but be careful not to take all History that is on the net or written by a very prolific author for fact. History is changed and easily made to be what the author desires. Do not believe everything you read. For instance the site hound, Pharoah Hound's History was said to date back to the time of the pharoahs yet the newest scientific ability to track DNA suggests that the Breed is not that old. History and the romantics want the Hounds to be dated back to that portion of history yet DNA has refuted this fact that the club presents. Just like theTyrannosaurus Rex was believed for years and years to have drug his tail behind him we now know he ran tail up and was quite an agile hunter (amazingly the DNA is linked to modern day birds!) Thank heavens the Crow is not 30 feet tall and a carnivore! Again when we learn from Science often history is debunked. Our point is this, The Bouvier is not that old of a Breed. While some of our older Fanciers would like to paint a very dramatic picture of the breed during war times and make it a prominent figure in World War 1 and 2 they were simply dogs like the others caught in the countryside. Breeders were unable to freely breed, feed and care for puppies let alone distribute them to those that wanted a Bouvier puppy. In fact one of our first people in the United States who had Bouvier came to us from Belgium with her two prized dogs and Edmee Bowles had the kennel, Clos du Cereberes. She traveled with her two Bouvier des Flandres, one named, "Belco", who was the foundation stud of her kennel Clos du Cereberes at Belco Farm in Pennsylvania.